Top 10 Highest-paying Programming Languages To Learn in 2023
A recent survey by StackOverflow has revealed the languages that get the highest salaries. More than 70,000 professionals participated in the StackOverflow Survey 2022. Out of these, only 37,960 respondents responded to this query with salary figures.
Here are the top 10 highest Paying Programming Languages
- Clojure
- Erlang
- F#
- Ruby
- Elixir
- Scala
- Perl
- Go
- Rust
1. Clojure:- Clojure is a dynamic and functional dialect of the Lisp programming language on the Java platform. Like most other Lisps, Clojure’s syntax is built on S-expressions that are first parsed into data structures by a reader before being compiled.
2. Erlang:- Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging.
3. F#:- F# is a universal programming language for writing succinct, robust and performant code. F# allows you to write uncluttered, self-documenting code, where your focus remains on your problem domain, rather than the details of programming.
4. LISP:- Lisp is a functional programming language with imperative features. By functional we mean that the overall style of the language is organized primarily around expressions and functions rather than statements and subroutines.
5. Ruby:- Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language which supports multiple programming paradigms. It was designed with an emphasis on programming productivity and simplicity. In Ruby, everything is an object, including primitive data types.
6. Elixir:- Elixir is a functional, concurrent, high-level general-purpose programming language that runs on the BEAM virtual machine, which is also used to implement the Erlang programming language. Elixir builds on top of Erlang and shares the same abstractions for building distributed, fault-tolerant applications.
7. Scala:- cala is a strong statically typed high-level general-purpose programming language that supports both object-oriented programming and functional programming. Designed to be concise, many of Scala’s design decisions are aimed to address criticisms of Java. Scala Is Used for Building Data-Intensive, Distributed Applications and Systems. Scala is a general-purpose programming language built on the Java virtual machine.
8 Perl:- Perl is a general-purpose programming language originally developed for text manipulation and now used for a wide range of tasks including system administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, and more.
9. Go:- Go is a statically typed, compiled high-level programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. It is syntactically similar to C, but also has memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP-style concurrency.
10. Rust:- Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language that emphasizes performance, type safety, and concurrency. It enforces memory safety, meaning that all references point to valid memory, without requiring the use of automated memory management techniques such as garbage collection.